ROSSMARie: A Domain-Specific Language To Express Dynamic Safety Rules and Recovery Strategies for Autonomous Robots
Rizwan, Momina, Christoph Reichenbach, and Krueger Volker.
In 2023 2nd International Workshop on Quality and Reliability Assessment of Robotic Software Architectures (QRARSAC), IEEE, 2023.
Human-robot collaborative assembly planning using hybrid conditional planning.
Rizwan, Momina, Volkan Patoglu, and Esra Erdem.
In Proc. FAIM/ISCA Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Multimodal HRI, pp. 23-26. 2018.
Ezskiros: A case study on embedded robotics dsls to catch bugs early.
Rizwan, Momina, Ricardo Caldas, Christoph Reichenbach, and Matthias Mayr.
In 2023 IEEE/ACM 5th International Workshop on Robotics Software Engineering (RoSE), pp. 61-68. IEEE, 2023.
Human robot collaborative assembly planning: An answer set programming approach.
Rizwan, Momina, Volkan Patoglu, and Esra Erdem.
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 20, no. 6 (2020): 1006-1020.